Loyalty Cards

Customers > Loyalty > Loyalty Cards

Go to loyalty cards to view and edit cards that have been created. This is a list view of all of the cards on the system showing the following:

  • Card number
  • Type (card type) – see New Loyalty Card(s)
  • Customer: customer assigned to card
  • Scheme: Description of scheme - see Loyalty Schemes
  • Starting points: number of points on the card when issued
  • Issued: the total number of points that have been issued to this card
  • Used: number of points used on the card. Used points are displayed with a minus symbol as a prefix (-).
  • Expired: expiry date
  • Current value
  • Balance: Current balance of points on loyalty card

In the image above, filters to narrow down your search, choose from:

  • Customer
  • Types
  • Card number
  • Scheme
  • Card has customer
  • Balance

Use and buttons to add or remove filter lines, to set default layouts and to trigger the search with the filters in place.

Read further on Loyalty card setup

See also


Updated: October 2018

LS One 2017.2